Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful experiences in a couples life, but it's a necessary step if you're both not happy with your marriage. In order for you to reduce some of the stress associated with getting a divorce, you'll want to make an appointment with a divorce attorney and be prepared with all the essentials. This checklist can help ensure the attorney will be able to help you every step of the way.

Personal Information

Your marriage license, drivers licenses, and even social security cards are just a few examples of personal documents you'll need to bring to the meeting. Not only will these documents provide all the proof of who you are, it will also help with getting the divorce paperwork officially started.

Legal Real Estate Documents

If you own any real estate together, it's essential that you bring along any necessary documents. This means legal documents showing proof of ownership, tax information regarding the properties, and current mortgage statements.

Checking and Savings Account Balances

Your bank information is important for getting the divorce paperwork started, whether you and your spouse share baking accounts or not. Bringing along statements with the balances of checking and savings accounts will help clear up any confusion and help get the divorce underway.

Itemized List of Any Debts

If you have any outstanding loans or debt between the two of you, it's important that this information is brought to the divorce attorney. To prevent either party from being responsible for all the debt by default, it's essential that all necessary documents are brought in that list any debt.

Information About Other Assets

From a pink slip of a recently purchased vehicle to proof of ownership of a boat, you may have other assets that will need to be taken care of during a divorce. Compiling a list of all the assets shared between you will help an attorney help clear up any issues so that each of you get a fair deal during the divorce.

Taking care of your finances is one of the most worrisome parts of going through a divorce, but with a good attorney and by cooperating with one another, it should be much easier. Taking your time to collect all the necessary paperwork and documents listed above will help your attorney have an easier time taking care of your financial situation now and into the future.  

Check out places like Nevada Legal Forms & Tax services for more info.
