If things have not worked out with you and your spouse, and you know that you will be filing for a divorce, there are some things that you should do to ensure your financial future. Here are a few precautions that you can take before the divorce process begins:

Make copies of your financial statements.

It is important for you to have proof of all financial holdings and earnings, especially if accounts are in your name and your spouse's. Bank statements can show a snapshot of your current liquid assets and help show drastic changes in case your spouse tries to empty accounts as the divorce nears.

In addition to bank statements, copies of your tax returns can help show earnings. Don't forget to make copies of your retirement account statements; these may be distributed during the settlement as well.

Make copies of current bills.

Your current bills can also provide the judge with an idea of the amount of usable income that is available for you and your spouse at the end of each month. If you share certain bills with your spouse, it may be advisable to take your name off of the accounts. For instance, if your spouse uses a credit card almost exclusively, but your name is also listed on the account, removing your name can help you avoid liability for bills that your spouse incurs on his or her own.

Make a list of valuable assets.

If you or your spouse has a valuable collection or owns pieces of high-priced jewelry, these items should be documented for presentation during the divorce. Also, the most recent tax appraisal of your home should be kept or copied so that the home's value is readily available for the judge's review. Likewise, the price of stock holdings and their current value should also be retained.

Get your own credit card.

If you have relied on joint accounts for the establishment of your credit in the past, it may be time to open individual accounts that can help you establish your own creditworthiness. This will be especially helpful as you start to establish a life that is separate from your spouse.

Review the beneficiaries of your life insurance policies.

If you're planning to divorce your spouse, you may not want him or her to be listed as the primary beneficiary for your insurance policies. Instead, you may want to switch the beneficiaries of your policies to your children or parents. Without making this change, your current spouse could inherit your assets.

To learn more financial steps that you should take before a divorce, schedule an appointment with a divorce attorney from a firm like The Law Offices of Justin Rickman.
